An engaging and insightful book written by Professor Teodoro Bottiglieri – “SAMe: Metabolic Function and Health Benefits”, has appeared in these days on the panorama of nutraceutical field, centering the targets to reveal and describe the major biological aspects of S-Adenosyl-methionine (SAMe) in human body, with latest clinical evidence and the recent trends in health applications. 

In this book, Bottiglieri does not limit himself to the description of the biological function of SAMe – extensively studied and characterised in the last decades – but also unveils its role in health and in a healthy ageing, aspects that are emerging from the latest publications and are of major interest to the scientific community.

Prof. Bottiglieri goes beyond the primary role of SAMe – to donate its methyl-group to accepting molecules that include DNA, proteins, lipids and other small molecular weight compounds – and explains the interaction between methylation, epigenetics, environment, lifestyle and nutrition, maintaining an engaging and easytounderstand style of writing.

The book is dedicated to nutraceutical and nutritional industry’s professionals as well as to students of nutrition and those interested in uncovering the importance of SAMe in neuro, hepatic and osteotherapeutic fields; it will be distributed during the next Integrative Healthcare Symposium (IHS) – New York from 22–23 February.

The occasion will be the Breakfast Symposia planned on this Friday 22 February, at the Clinton Suite of New York Hilton Midtown, where Prof. Bottiglieri will be holding a presentation on the importance of SAMe titled “S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe): From the Bench to the Bedside” and will personally sign the book to the participants.

For more information visit Gnosis by Lesaffre at the booth #324 of the IHS or contact