US-based health science company Elysium Health has launched its new product for eye longevity, performance, and protection, dubbed VISION by Elysium Health.

VISION is specifically formulated to support visual performance and eye health, and leverages the company’s Protective Intervention for Xanthin-based Eye Longevity (PIXEL) Complex.

The product leverages advanced research on xanthophyll carotenoids, and plant pigments that accumulate in the eye and provide powerful antioxidant defence and photoprotection.

According to the company, VISION’s novel formulation increases contrast sensitivity, filters high-energy blue light, and protects the eyes from oxidative stress to enhance visual performance.

Also, the product targets the age-related loss in macular pigment density to support long-term eye and vision health.

VISION was developed under the guidance of Stanford University School of Medicine Byers Eye Institute clinical and translational research director, ophthalmologist Theodore Leng.

Leng said: “There is no better formulation than Vision for eyehealth leveraging 20 years of data behind the AREDS studies (the National Eye Institute’s major clinical trials on age-related eye diseases) and the latest breakthroughs in xanthophyll research.”

According to Elysium, constant exposure to high-energy blue light, pollution, and intrinsic metabolic activities can lead to cellular damage and impact eye health and visual performance.

Its VISION has three macular carotenoids that protect light-detecting cells in the back of the eyes by filtering high-energy blue light and neutralising free radicals.

The carotenoids also reduce image blur and glare and improve fine detail distinction and contrast enhancement, which is critical for daily tasks and performance-oriented activities.

Unlike the AREDS 2 formula, which contains only two of the three macular carotenoids, its Vision provides all three macular carotenoids in a specific formulation, said Elysium.

AREDS 2 is widely studied by the National Eye Institute for long-term macular support.

VISION is said to provide all three macular carotenoids in a specific formulation and is proven to increase macular pigment density and support visual performance and eye health.

In addition to the three macular carotenoids, the PIXEL Complex in VISION also includes a fourth xanthophyll carotenoid, astaxanthin, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Astaxanthin is clinically proven to enhance blood flow to the retina to support the delivery of nutrients and oxygen and support the eyes during extended screen use, said Elysium.

Elysium Health CEO Eric Marcotulli said: “In the early stages of developing VISION, I, like many people, believed eye health centred around older ages and loss of eyesight.

“And while maintaining eye health and visual performance is certainly a concern as we get older, I learned that people at any age can benefit from improved contrast sensitivity and the filtering of high-energy blue light, which bombards our eyes every day.

“We have been privileged to collaborate with Dr. Leng to develop another breakthrough product with VISION, which directly reinforces the highly specialised ways that our eyes have evolved to utilise natural compounds to support performance.”