Hosted by Informa Exhibitions, SupplySide West is an annual trade show and conference that was included in the Trade Show News Network’s list of top 250 shows in the US. The exhibit focuses on the exploration, discovery, innovation and marketing strategy around the development of finished consumer goods that drive the global business economy.

This year’s edition, presented by title sponsor KSM-66 Ashwagandha, hosted over 16,000 attendees from more than 68 countries. The event, produced by Informa Exhibitions, was held on 25–29 September at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, bringing together over 1,200 exhibiting companies, including more than 185 first-time exhibitors.

“The energy and buzz at SupplySide West 2017 exceeded past years, as did industry participation,” said Jon Benninger, vice-president of Informa’s Global Health and Nutrition Network. “From the record-breaking expo hall to the packed education sessions, participants were ready to connect and talk about the science and strategy driving the healthy products industry.”

Educational opportunities

Education programmes saw record engagement this year as well with a packed room for featured speaker Steven Tave, director of the Office of Dietary Supplement Programs in the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Over the show's five days, attendees actively engaged with experts from across the globe, all of whom were tackling the primary issues – from regulatory compliance and product formulation to market trends and demographics – that will drive product development into the future.

“As always, we appreciate the engagement of our industry in truly leading the dialogue around how a transparent supply chain, dedication to quality, and emphasis on science and efficacy will benefit consumers’ health and wellness,” said Heather Granato, vice-president of content for Informa’s Global Health and Nutrition Network.

Attendees also found learning and networking opportunities at SupplySide Central. Offering a variety of interactive, quick-paced programming designed to delve into a variety of the hot topics facing the industry.

Focal points

SupplySide Central featured numerous topics from the Ingredient Launchpad, where exhibitors highlighted their new products, to the sixth Annual CPG Editor’s Choice Awards, where SupplySide West recognised the most innovative product launches in supplements and food and beverage.

The 2017 Editor’s Choice Awards saw the judges narrow down the field from hundreds of products to only five on the shortlist for each category. According to Granato, the winning innovations stood out for bringing a combination of factors to the table from taste and delivery method to innovation in ingredients and cutting-edge science.

Some winners included Nordic Naturals, which secured an award for its Omega Memory supplement that consists of a blend of omega-3s, curcumin and key nutrients for brain health, Health Warrior, for its Pumpkin Seed Bar – created from just pumpkin seeds, honey and spices – and Alter Eco’s Organic Dark Mint Truffles, which are 100% organic and made up of 93% Fairtrade certified ingredients.

SupplySide West wrapped up its successful show with a $36,395 donation to Vitamin Angels. This year’s SupplySide Cares programme donated to support this impactful, non-profit organisation that is dedicated to bringing vitamin supplementation to at-risk populations in need – specifically pregnant women, new mothers and children under five.

SupplySide West is part of Informa’s Global Exhibitions Division. With over 200 trade and consumer exhibitions annually, Informa Exhibitions is a global market leader in such end markets as boating, beauty, construction and real estate, life sciences, maritime, health and nutrition, agriculture and pop culture. Through face-to-face and digital channels, its transaction-oriented exhibitions enable communities to engage, experience and do business. In doing so, Informa brings together people who want to buy and sell, network, do business and gain inspiration. Industry insight, coupled with an innovative and entrepreneurial approach, provides Informa Exhibitions customers and partners with the opportunity to create business advantage and access markets.

SupplySide East – the US East Coast’s leading ingredients and solutions trade show – returns to the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, New Jersey, on 10–11 April 2018.