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Hemp fights the law

In recent years, CBD and industrial hemp products have been rapidly gaining in popularity. Lorenza Romanese, managing director of the European Industrial Hemp Association, tells Fred Lyle about her work in the organisation, current challenges and the reasons behind CBD’s growing acclaim.

Top-down health

The office is not commonly considered to be an unhealthy environment. However, as more and more studies link high-pressure jobs to a deterioration in mental and physical well-being, it is now incumbent on CEOs and other senior management to take ameliorative action. Michael Shaw talks to Vanessa Candeias, head of the World Economic Forum’s Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare initiative, about the dangers to employee health in the office, and what leadership teams can do to encourage a more productive workforce.

Something in the air

The activated charcoal market has been expanding rapidly in recent years as more people become aware of its claimed benefits. Brian Charlton explores the long history of the substance, the advances in its use, its innovative applications and the consumer benefits associated with its ingestion.

A fat lot of good

While many companies are making progress working towards eliminating trans fats from their food supply chains, WHO found that five billion people are still at risk from industrial exposure. Ingredients Insight delves into the latest WHO report to discover the actions countries are taking in order to eliminate this harmful edible oil from their food supply and save lives.

A spoonful of vitamin K

Vitamin K2 has significant and vital health benefits; however, it is not yet included in many supplements. Ingredients Insight explores research, provided by the joint FAO/WHO expert consultation on human vitamin and mineral requirements, ‘Vitamin and mineral requirements in human nutrition’, which explains the importance of this lesser-known nutrient.

Probiotics for the body and mind

There is intense debate about whether humans were ever meant to drink milk or, indeed, consume any dairy products at all. The fact is, some people can and some cannot, depending on their production of the enzyme lactase. With the help of the International Probiotics Association, Jim Banks looks at how beneficial bacteria can help relieve a serious health concern.