Members of the International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplements Associations (IADSA) will come together in Indonesia next week (25 April) to discuss regulatory developments across the globe at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting.
Taking place in Jakarta, the meeting will address opportunities related to the creation of the ASEAN single market in health supplements; global regulatory trends, and key national, regional and global developments and learnings from best practice.
"The Southeast Asian nations of ASEAN are close to completing the largest single regulatory framework in the world, impacting more than 600 million people," said Peter Zambetti, chairman of IADSA. "This is of global significance. Reflecting and learning from this process and looking forward to its completion is key for the sector and this will be a key focus for our 2013 Annual Meeting."
Mr Zambetti will also be speaking at a conference taking place on 24 April at the Mulia Hotel in Jakarta, titled ‘Visualising the Health and Food Supplements Industry after ASEAN harmonization in 2015".
The conference, organised by the Indonesian trade association APSKI (Asosiasi Pengusaha Suplemen Kesehatan Indonesia (APSKI), will focus on the importance of health supplement and traditional medicine harmonisation in ASEAN, and specifically in Indonesia.
Speakers include Dra Lucky S Slamet Msc, Head of Badan POM RI; Marie Tham, Chair of the ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) Traditional Medicines and Health Supplements Product Working Group; Zubaidah Mahmud, Chair of the ASEAN Traditional Medicines and Health Supplements Scientific Committee (ATSC); Patrick Kalona of APSKI, Chair of the Organizing Committee; Daniel Quek, Chairman of the ASEAN Alliance of Health Supplement Associations (AAHSA).