Gnosis by Lesaffre, the business unit of Lesaffre dedicated to Human Health & Nutrition, offers a comprehensive range of natural solutions to support women at various stages of their lives, from puberty to childbearing age, expecting mothers and menopause. This range includes Quatreflora, an innovative approach to women’s intimate health backed by strong science and clinical research. To discover all the science and latest news about Quatreflora, visit the new dedicated website

Quatreflora is the brand name of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3856, an exclusive strain of beneficial yeast selected and patented by Lesaffre for its unique capacity to help manage vaginal infections and maintain a balanced vaginal microflora.
A woman’s vaginal microflora is very sensitive, and the disruption of its delicate balance is a widespread source of discomfort that affects many women at least once in their lives. The most common types of vaginal infections experienced by women worldwide are bacterial vaginosis, mostly caused by Gardnerella vaginalis and fungal vaginitis, caused by Candida albicans overgrowth in 90% of cases.

Quatreflora is a safe, innovative solution of natural origin that has proven to be efficient on both kinds of vaginal infections in several studies, of which results have been published in renowned peer-reviewed scientific papers1,2,3,4,5. A lot of the research covers the beneficial effects of Quatreflora for therapy of candida infections and the mechanism of action responsible for accelerating the clearance of C. albicans, which results from a coaggregation with the pathogen1. However, the latest publication5 in Virulence specifically explores the antibacterial effect of the ingredient and its ability to fight Gardnerella vaginalis, thus highlighting the full scope of its action.

This study, conducted on an experimental mouse model of bacterial vaginosis, demonstrated for the first time the ability of S. cerevisiae-based probiotic to inhibit Gardnerella vaginalis infection. The collected data clearly demonstrates that Quatreflora "has a proven capacity to fight G. vaginalis experimental infection, that its efficiency is comparable to that of Lactobacillus crispatus, an established probiotic in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis."5

The study has identified several mechanisms of actions that contribute to the inhibitory effect of Quatreflora on G. vaginalis, namely the capacity to compete with G. vaginalis adhesion to vaginal epithelial cells, the displacement of adherent G. vaginalis cells from vaginal epithelial cells and the inhibition of major virulence factors such as sialidase activity.

Considering the serious, mainly obstetric, health consequences that have been associated with bacterial vaginosis in women of childbearing age, these findings are groundbreaking. They "suggest the potential use of S. cerevisiae-based probiotic for the prophylaxis and/or treatment of bacterial vaginosis"5, thereby offering women a natural and efficient way to maintain a healthy vaginal microflora. Quatreflora can indeed be safely used daily over the long-term as a preventative solution without side effects or toxicity and without developing habituation.

To raise awareness about Quatreflora and its unique approach to optimal women’s health, Gnosis by Lesaffre is launching a dedicated website. Easy to navigate, this website, found at, gathers all the information available about this novel solution including research results and links to all scientific publications as well as tips and tricks to prevent vaginal infections. "We set out to create a site that would speak to professionals and consumers alike. By laying out the substantial scientific and clinical evidence behind the ingredient, we want not only to give scientists, product developers and doctors all the information backing the ingredient they might need but also to build consumers’ trust, showing them that Quatreflora is vetted by the scientific community and backed by world-class research. Our tips and tricks section is, however, meant to be practical advice primarily targeting women and their prescribing physicians," explains Véronique Lhommet, Product Manager at Gnosis by Lesaffre. "As we continue to invest in expert research investigating the benefits of the ingredient, its mechanisms of actions and possible new applications, we will update the site with any new information relevant to our readers," she adds.


For questions about Quatreflora or its new website, feel free to contact us directly through the online form found at or via email at You can also visit our global website,, for information about any of Gnosis by Lesaffre’s health-promoting ingredients.

Don’t forget to follow the company on Twitter @GnosisLesaffre and on LinkedIn to stay on top of their latest news.


1 Pericolini E, Gabriellini E, Ballet N, Sabbatini S, Roselletti E, Cayzeele Decherf A, Pélerin F, Luciano E, Perito S, Jüsten P & Vecchiarelli A. Therapeutic activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based probiotic and inactivated whole yeast on vaginal candidiasis. 2016, Virulence 19:1-17.

2 Wilson D. A tale of two yeasts: Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a therapeutic against candidiasis. 2017, Virulence 8(1) :15-17

3 E. Gabrielli, E. Pericolini, N. Ballet, E. Roselletti, S. Sabbatini, P. Mosci, A. Cayzeele Decherf, F. Pélerin, S. Perito, P. Jüsten & A. Vecchiarelli. Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based probiotic as novel anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory agent for therapy of vaginal candidiasis. 2018, Beneficial Microbes 2018 9(2): 219-230.

4 Cayzeele-Decherf A, Pélerin F, Jüsten P. Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3856 as a Natural Breakthrough for Vaginal Health: A Clinical Study. 2017, Med J Obstet Gynecol 5(4): 1112.

5 S. Sabbatini, C. Monari, N. Ballet, P. Mosci, A. Cayzeele Decherf, F. Pélerin, S. Perito, P. Scarpelli & A. Vecchiarelli. Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based probiotic as novel anti-microbial agent for therapy of bacterial vaginosis. 2018, Virulence, 9:1, 954-966.